Weekly Horoscope March 3-9, 2025 - A Promising Start to Spring

weekly horoscopes for all zodiac signs

by Luna G. | Celestial Spirit Journey

Picture of Luna García

Luna García

Spring is here, bringing fresh energy into your life! While some people around you may feel more irritable than usual, don’t let their mood affect you. Instead, soak up the early spring sunshine and enjoy the beauty of nature coming back to life. This week marks the beginning of something new in your life.

Aries Weekly Horoscope (03.21-04.20)

Aries On Monday morning, Mercury enters Aries, making you more talkative than ever. Just be careful not to speak too impulsively — your fiery words might scare off sensitive souls. The second half of the week brings a water dominance, surrounding you with shy, emotional people. With Women’s Day on Saturday, expectations will be high — avoid unnecessary conflicts!

Taurus Weekly Horoscope (04.21-05.20)

Taurus Tuesday marks Pancake Day and the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Don’t be ashamed to admit that you’re at your best when your blood sugar is in balance! Midweek is perfect for gathering information, while the weekend calls for emotional connection. Go with the flow and don’t force anything!

Gemini Weekly Horoscope (05.21-06.21)

Gemini With Mercury entering Aries on Monday, your gestures become more intense, and your voice louder. Patience will be in short supply this week — be the exception! While Wednesday and Thursday are smooth, Friday brings a challenging aspect. The weekend, however, is all about celebrating women — enjoy the feminine energy around you!

Cancer Weekly Horoscope (06.22-07.22)

Cancer Don’t panic if rumors circulate at work at the start of the week! Mercury brings news — but not everything is as bad as it seems. Your coworkers may spin conspiracy theories, so stay calm. By Friday, things settle down, and the weekend promises emotional harmony thanks to the water-dominated sky.

Leo Weekly Horoscope (07.23-08.22)

Leo Focus on your career at the start of the week! The Taurus Moon helps you stay grounded and practical. Join as many conversations as possible midweek — valuable information is waiting for you. The weekend is about women and gentle, harmonious vibes — a pleasant change for your fiery sign.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope (08.23-09.22)

Virgo Mercury in Aries tempts you to make hasty statements — resist the urge! You expect others to be clumsy in their communication, but don’t fall into the same trap. Midweek, avoid getting involved in arguments that don’t concern you. This way, you’ll enjoy a peaceful weekend.

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Libra Weekly Horoscope (09.23-10.22)

Libra A loud, assertive person may cross your path on Monday. Don’t focus on their style — the message matters more! You’ll have the chance to understand their point midweek. By the weekend, emotions will dominate conversations, making clear communication difficult.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope (10.23-11.22)

Scorpio Regardless of your beliefs, the beginning of Lent may inspire you to adopt a lighter diet. The planets suggest cleansing your body and mind. Women’s Day celebrations won’t stress you out this year — you might even enjoy the festive atmosphere!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (11.23-12.21)

Sagittarius Conflicts with family or your partner may arise on Thursday and Friday due to tense aspects. Choose peace over arguments! Focus on the arrival of spring and start preparing for Easter. The weekend is all about honoring women — celebrate the special ladies in your life!

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope (12.22-01.20)

Capricorn You’ve always disliked people who talk too much, but now impatient, aggressive communication might bother you even more. Lent begins this week — why not support your body with a gentle detox? Start by drinking more water, especially over the weekend when the water element is strong.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (01.21-02.18)

Aquarius Disruptive aspects on Monday, Thursday, and Friday challenge your patience. A stubborn relative will test your nerves — but remember, you’re just as headstrong! Money matters require caution midweek, but the weekend is perfect for relaxation.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope (02.19-03.20)

Pisces While others rush around, you remain an observer. However, Thursday and Friday may bring family or real estate-related frustrations. Trust that things will turn around by the weekend — the stars promise a positive shift. Your worries will soon prove unnecessary!

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Weekly Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs

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