The High Priestess in Tarot - Meaning and Symbolism

Picture of Luna García

Luna García

The High Priestess, also known as The Papess or The Priestess in different Tarot decks, is card number II in the Major Arcana. This enigmatic figure is a symbol of hidden wisdom, mystery, and intuitive feminine power. She represents esoteric knowledge, the subconscious, and deep spiritual understanding. Let’s explore the meaning and symbolism of The High Priestess to better understand her role in the Tarot.

The Meaning of The High Priestess

Intuition and Inner Wisdom

The High Priestess symbolizes a deep connection with intuition and inner knowledge. Her appearance in a spread can signal that you should trust your intuition more and listen to your inner voice instead of relying solely on logic or conventional knowledge.

Mystery and Hidden Secrets

This card often appears when there are secrets yet to be revealed or knowledge waiting to be discovered. The High Priestess invites you to explore the unknown, indicating it might be time to delve into esoteric or spiritual studies.

Balance and Duality

The High Priestess sits between the pillars of light and darkness, representing the balance between two opposites. Her presence suggests the need to mediate between two forces and find harmony in duality.

Fertility and Creativity

Although less obvious, fertility is another aspect of The High Priestess, related not just to physical procreation but also to creativity and the conception of ideas and projects.

The Symbolism of The High Priestess

The Pillars

In many cards, The High Priestess sits between two pillars, one black and one white, marked with the letters B and J. These pillars symbolize opposites, such as light and dark or knowledge and ignorance, and her role in balancing these forces.

The Veil

Behind her, there is often a veil decorated with pomegranates, symbolizing the veil of perception that separates the conscious world from the subconscious and the unknown. Pomegranates are a symbol of fertility and the sacred feminine.

The Book

The High Priestess typically holds a book or scroll, representing esoteric knowledge and mysteries hidden from the world. This book is partially covered, indicating that true knowledge is only available to those willing to look beyond the obvious.

The Moon at Her Feet

A moon is often shown at her feet, reflecting her connection to intuition, natural cycles, and her power in the realm of the occult and the psychic.

Her Crown

The crown of The High Priestess, often in the shape of a crescent moon or adorned with lunar symbols, emphasizes her mastery over mysteries and intuitive knowledge.


The High Priestess is a powerful representation of hidden wisdom and deep intuition. In a Tarot reading, she encourages us to trust our instincts, explore the unknown, and recognize the depth of our inner knowledge. Her presence is a reminder that the deepest mysteries of life often reside within ourselves and that balance and reflection are key to understanding these secrets. Are you paying attention to your inner wisdom? How can you better integrate the duality of your own life?



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