Questions for Tarot and Other Oracles

by Luna G. | Celestial Spirit Journey

How to Ask the Tarot - A Guide to the Right Questions
Picture of Luna García

Luna García

How to Ask the Right Question to the Tarot Cards

If you ask a precise question and take the time to understand the answer, it can become a gateway to powerful transformation. Knowing how to ask the right question to the Tarot means you’ve already received half the answer.

If you want to change something in your life—especially about yourself—you must learn to ask the right questions. When Tarot inquiries are well-structured, the answers can shift not only your mindset but also your life as a whole.

If you seek clarity in certain aspects of your life or need more confidence, asking the right questions will undoubtedly help you.

Of course, this only works if you are open to receiving and interpreting the answers.

The purpose of a Tarot reading is to extract constructive information that helps us achieve our goals—not simply to ask whether something will or won’t happen.

Should We Ask Tarot Clear and Specific Questions?

In general, Tarot works on the principle of a mirror. As the renowned Tarot expert Hajo Banzhaf said:
“As the question is, so will be the answer.”

  • A general question – a general answer.
  • A specific question – a specific answer.
  • A vague question – a vague answer.
  • No question – no answer.

To add to that:

  • A misleading question – a misleading answer.
  • An unclear question – an unclear answer.
  • A meaningless question – a meaningless answer.
  • A well-thought-out question – a meaningful answer.

How Should You Ask the Question?

  • You can ask your question aloud, either loudly or softly.
  • You can say it once or repeat it multiple times.
  • You can write it down.
  • You can even craft it into a sigil.


What truly matters is that you are clear about what you want to learn.

Once you’ve asked your question, don’t dwell on it. Pose the question as it naturally comes to mind. While it’s helpful to pre-formulate it thoughtfully, it’s not crucial. The most important thing is that you understand the meaning behind your question—because the oracle or your subconscious will provide an immediate answer.

Questions You Should NOT Ask the Tarot

Health-Related Questions

Tarot readings can have a calming, insightful, and even therapeutic effect, but Tarot cards are not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. That is the role of healthcare professionals. Do not use Tarot for diagnosing illnesses or predicting their progression.

A more appropriate approach would be to ask:
👉 What steps can I take to lead a healthier lifestyle?
👉 How can I reinforce positive habits for my well-being?

Questions About Other People’s Lives

Especially when those people are unaware of the reading and have not given permission to delve into their personal matters.

Avoid asking about third parties, such as your parents, children, spouse, boss, or neighbor. While they are part of your world, they have their own lives and personal journeys. It is pointless—and ethically questionable—to inquire about their education, love life, career, or social affairs.

If they want answers, it’s best for them to seek them personally. Tarot can and will respond, but only to you. Do not interfere in others’ lives, and remember the “Law of Unsolicited Help”—you cannot and should not make decisions on behalf of others.

Financial and love-related questions are among the most common in Tarot readings. However, when these questions involve someone else’s personal life, they cross into complex ethical territory.

Tarot Should Not Be Used for Gossip or Spying

Using Tarot as a metaphysical intelligence tool to satisfy curiosity is not recommended.

🚫 Is my spouse cheating on me? – Wrong!
🚫 What is he/she thinking? – Wrong!
🚫 Does he/she regret leaving me? – Wrong!
🚫 Is he/she hiding something from me? – Wrong!
🚫 How does he/she feel without me? – Wrong!
🚫 What is their sex life like? – Wrong!
🚫 Is he/she happy with someone else? – Wrong!

Yes-or-no answers do not change your current situation.

Even worse, these types of questions often stem from insecurity, fear, or ego struggles. They keep you stuck in past events instead of helping you find solutions.

The Right Way to Ask Relationship Questions

Instead of fixating on someone else’s actions, focus on gaining insight into your own life and emotions:

✔️ What do I need to understand about my spouse’s decision to be unfaithful?
✔️ What actions can I take to strengthen my relationship and prevent infidelity?
✔️ What kind of partner is best suited for me at this moment?
✔️ What types of people should I distance myself from?
✔️ How can I attract the right person into my life?
✔️ Where am I most likely to meet my ideal partner?
✔️ What steps should I take to find true love?

By framing your questions wisely, Tarot can offer guidance, empowerment, and meaningful insights instead of reinforcing fears and uncertainties.

Do Not Ask Tarot Questions Aimed at Hurting, Harming, or Manipulating Others!

The Right Way to Ask Relationship Questions

Unfortunately, some people use Tarot to seek ways to alter their current situation by undermining others, intentionally causing pain, or manipulating a third party.

Examples of Incorrect Questions:

🚫What can I do to make him divorce his wife? Wrong!

🚫How can I make him come back to me? Wrong!

🚫How can I prevent my colleague from getting promoted? Wrong!

🚫How can I force my son or daughter to study what I want instead of what they want? Wrong!

These types of questions can be rephrased in a way that promotes personal growth and success without harming others.

Examples of Correct Questions:

✔️What steps should I take to stop attracting toxic people? Correct!

✔️What additional skills do I need to develop to get a promotion? Correct!

✔️What can I do to find a job where my efforts and contributions are more valued? Correct!

✔️How can I support my child in making the right choice for their future? Correct!

The right Tarot questions encourage action and self-improvement.

Avoid Asking Tarot Questions That Reflect a Negative Mindset

Examples of Incorrect Questions:

🚫Why do I never have good luck? Wrong!

🚫Why do bad things always happen to me? Wrong!

🚫Why am I doomed to be unlucky in love? Wrong!

Instead, craft questions that help identify the root of the problem and guide you toward solutions.

Avoid Presumptive Questions

Examples of Incorrect Questions:

🚫Which of my desires is about to come true? Wrong! (It may be none, especially if Mercury is retrograde!)

🚫Will he call me on Monday or Tuesday? Wrong! (It could be Friday, Sunday, or never.)

Examples of Correct Questions:

✔️Which area of my life should I focus on right now to achieve the best results? Correct!

✔️What can I do to improve communication between us? Correct!

Avoid Yes/No Questions

Tarot is meant to tell stories. Stories contain events, characters, themes, and multiple perspectives. A single “yes” or “no” answer rarely provides the depth of insight needed for meaningful guidance.

While a single card may give a simple answer, a broader reading involving multiple cards will provide a clearer picture of the situation.


Avoid Closed Questions That Limit Your Growth

Examples of Incorrect Questions:

🚫Should I take an active or passive role in our relationship? Wrong! (Life isn’t that black and white.)

🚫Should I marry Peter or John? Wrong! (Each choice requires individual analysis.)

🚫Should I accept this job or that one? Wrong!

Instead, conduct a reading that evaluates all options separately, weighing their pros and cons.

Examples of Well-Formulated Tarot Questions:

  • What changes should I make to improve my health?

  • How can I enhance my love life?

  • What steps should I take to advance my career?

  • How can I develop better relationships with my family, friends, or colleagues?

  • What is the most important thing I am overlooking that is preventing my progress?

  • What is the true potential of my relationship with this person?

  • What might happen if I express my true feelings?

  • What approach should I take in this situation?

  • Who can I rely on most right now?

  • How can I effectively ask for support?

  • How can I heal after this breakup?

  • How should I spend my free time for personal growth?

  • What should I change or remove from my life to achieve my goals?

  • How can I avoid past mistakes?

  • What can help me make the best decision?

  • How can I improve communication with [specific person]?

By asking the right questions, you open yourself to meaningful, transformative insights that lead to genuine self-discovery and progress.

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How to Ask the Tarot: The Right vs. Wrong Questions


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